The University of Cyprus (UCY) is a public research institute and is the leading academic organisation in Cyprus, with active participation in national, European (HE, H2020, ERC,etc.) and international programmes in R&D and innovation activities. UCY is an endorser of the “European Charter for Researchers” and accredited with the “HR Excellence in Research” logo. The In Silico Modelling Group (ISMG; and the Electromagnetics & Novel Applications Lab (ENAL; from the Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (MME) and the Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) departments respectively team up and lead this project, IgnitePLASMA. The groups have considerable experience in computer and mathematical modelling, numerical methods and simulations, in high-performance computing and medical image analysis methods.

The University of Cyprus (UCY) is a public research institute and is the leading academic organisation in Cyprus, with active participation in national, European (HE, H2020, ERC,etc.) and international programmes in R&D and innovation activities. UCY is an endorser of the “European Charter for Researchers” and accredited with the “HR Excellence in Research” logo. The In Silico Modelling Group (ISMG; and the Electromagnetics & Novel Applications Lab (ENAL; from the Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (MME) and the Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) departments respectively team up and lead this project, IgnitePLASMA. The groups have considerable experience in computer and mathematical modelling, numerical methods and simulations, in high-performance computing and medical image analysis methods.